Clinical Neuropsychologist


What is Executive Functioning?

Essentially, executive functions are those abilities which allow us to get things done.

The most important executive functions are:

  • Inhibition of impulses so as to exert self-control

  • Working memory – the ability to hold information in mind while using it

  • Sustained attention

  • Task initiation

  • Planning/prioritizing

  • Organization

  • Time management

  • Persistence towards a goal

  • Self-monitoring/self- evaluation

  • Stress/frustration tolerance

  • Emotional control

  • Flexibility

We are born with different levels of these abilities.  Some improve with maturity, and some can be learned.  A variety of strategies can be developed to compensate for executive functioning difficulties so as to achieve success in life.  People with ADD/ADHD generally have trouble with at least some of these executive functions.  Neuropsychological testing is a good way to assess a person’s executive functioning and can lead to recommendations about how to bolster and work around the weaker ones.